Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Second day!

Today was a FULL day! We gave the students a glimpse of what they can expect from our “classes”  and completed an activity about Austria and Graz itself. We got to see what kind of art skills we have in the group!
We also did all of the things one must do, in order for things to have order during this trip! That means setting up the school rooms and getting our “dumb phones!” (Get it? Not SMART phones that connect to WiFi).
Then we did one of the hardest things we could have done to students in German...we gave them technical instructions to follow in order to set their phones up! ;) a few hours and setbacks later, we now have communication with the students!

We saw the “Stadt Mitte” or downtown of Graz. There is so much to see! While Lane did all the behind the scenes work in order for us to have phones in Graz, Frau Carey and I (I let them call me Frau Lisa) took the students on short walks through the city.
The day ended with the host family orientation and the instructors got to meet all of them a little more intimately and could answer any questions they may have about the program.
It was a full but successful day!


  1. The pictures seem to post out of order. But I hope they are easy to follow with the description.

  2. Is my daughter,Areonna even there. I have not seen her. She might be hiding when camera comes out
